Welcome to Mendip Vale Bristol
If you are a patient at Monks Park Surgery, Sea Mills Surgery, or Southmead and Henbury Family Practice, you are part of Mendip Vale Bristol.
At Mendip Vale Bristol, our doctors and nurses deliver a wide range of NHS services to support our patients.
How we can help you
Find out more about the online services we offer and the healthcare advice we provide when you need it.
Book, change or cancel an appointment with your GP online. You can book a video consultation or schedule a home visit too.
Find out more about prescriptions and how to order a repeat prescription using our online form.
Surgery information
Find out more about Mendip Bristol, our opening times and team.
Test results
Find out how to get your test results, more about wait times and further information online.
Register at our surgery
Become a new patient by simply completing our online form.
Fit notes
Find out how to get a fit note (sick note) from your doctor online.
Friends and Family Test (FFT)
We use the Friends and Family Test along with other methods of feedback such as compliments and complaints to understand what matters most to you, your family members or people that you care for.
Find out more
Learn more about what vaccinations are offered at our surgery and why they’re safe and important.
Mental Health
Find more information about the services and support available at the surgery and in the community to help you manage your mental health.
Self care
Get advice about self-treatable conditions, including healthy living and making healthier lifestyle choices to better physical and mental health.